Wednesday, March 11, 2020

7 Signs Youre Raising Your Child to Be a Good Person

7 Signs Youre Raising Your Child to Be a Good Person Raising children is no easy feat. Raising children to become good people... it might feel next to impossible in a world full of so much bad. When other kids are bullying on the playground, shoplifting in town and driving well over the speed limit, how do you make sure that your kid is the one inviting the new kid to eat at their lunch table and recycling their lunch garbage?You dont. But there are ways you can tell if youre raising your child to become an upstanding partie the kind of person with whom youd choose to spend your time, who youd recommend to an employer, whose policies youd stand behind if they were running for office.If your child starts behaving in the following seven ways, know that youre doing well. (Note If your child isnt behaving in these ways, that doesnt mean youre doing a bad job at parenting It just means that parenting is hard, all children are different and there are a million and one forces fighting agai nst you.)1. Your child is inclusive.If your child really is inviting the new kid to eat at their lunch table, or theyre spending their time with other kids of all different walks of life, it may be a sign that they want to include everyone. And practicing inclusivity, of course, makes everyone better.2. Your child cares about the environment.If your child does make an ample effort to recycle their lunch garbage or they go around picking up other kids litter, it may be a sign that they care about their impact on the environment. And they clearly want to make the world a cleaner, overall better place.3. Your child says please and thank you.If your child says please and thank you without you having to remind them, it may be a sign that theyre growing into good people. They understand how to be polite and show both respect and gratitude.4. Your child cleans up without you having to ask them.If your child stands up after a meal and starts collecting everyone elses plates to clear them, i t may also be a sign that theyre growing into a responsible and caring person. Theyre showing a willingness to clean up after themselves and help others do the same.5. Your child listens well.If you have conversations with your child and notice that theyre a rather active listener (because you only have to tell them things once or because theyre engaged with you and ask questions after listening intently), this could be a sign that theyre growing up to be an empathetic person who understands that conversations are two-way streets.6. Your child shares with others.If your child is always sharing their toys and/or snacks with other children or their own siblings, its a positive sign. This means that they care about others and arent greedy.7. Your child offers you surprisingly good advice.If youre going through a tough time and your child offers you advice that takes you by surprise (because its such a mature way of thinking), this may be a sign that theyre growing into a wise person wh o can make good decisions for themselves and cares enough to help others do the same.--AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about womens empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog,, and follow her journeys on Instagram her_report,Twitterherreportand Facebook.

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